Our industry expertise

Every industry is different.
Over the past decades, we at verrocchio have advised and coached companies from a wide range of industries in their innovation work.
With our knowledge and experience, we can respond to the individual requirements of our customers in a target-oriented approach.

Hardly any other industry has experienced such a transformation in recent years as the automotive sector. Innovations in products, services and processes have become essential for survival. No one can avoid the overpowering driver of climate change.

We identify four areas in particular in which the current challenges in the industry take place:

– E-mobility
– Driver assistance systems and autonomous driving
– Big Data
– The war for innovations and patents

The particular challenge in innovation work lies in the area of mindset work and the creation of innovation culture and interdisciplinary work structures. 

The reason lies in the very long traditions and rather conservative, preserving corporate cultures. Particularly challenging is the integration of the production-related, experienced teams into the innovation work.

Some of our customers:
AUDI, Continental, Daimler, Nemak, Sixt, Toyota, Volkswagen.

For our customers in the automotive sector we have:

… trained internal innovation coaches who moderate innovation projects and additionally distribute innovation knowledge within the company.

… organized innovation management and developed and implemented it with agile frameworks.

… moderated strategically relevant signature projects.

… developed and implemented campaigns to sustainably promote the culture of innovation.

The chemical industry is on the edge of Chemistry 4.0, which is characterized by digitalization and the circular economy.

Innovations are needed to enable:

– the digital revolution
– sustainability and climate protection
– closing material cycles

In product portfolios, raw materials must give way to comprehensive offerings of sustainable solutions for customers and the environment.

At the same time, research is about their decentralization into customer markets, imaginative use of Big Data, and joint, integrated development with customers.

Some of our customers:
BASF, BayWa, DOMO Chemicals, Evonik, Unilever.

For our customers in the chemical sector we have:

… trained internal innovation coaches who moderate innovation projects and additionally distribute innovation knowledge within the company.

… organized innovation management and developed and implemented it with agile frameworks.

… moderated strategically relevant signature projects to find new business models.

… provide top management with relevant strategic innovation knowledge.

The international consumer goods industry has been in a state of constant change for years. Thus, the current situation of manufacturers and retailers worldwide is characterized by important challenges such as
– demographic change
– rising raw material prices and booming emerging markets
– increasing globalization and societal digitalization

To ensure continued growth and stability, more meaningful stories need to be told and new narratives developed.

Innnovation work is about new visibility and making excellent use of trends and anticipating just in time.

Some of our customers:
Fripa, Hornbach, IKEA, Leifheit, OBI, Schüco, Sennheiser, Warema

For our customers in the consumer goods sector we have:

… made efficient working with trends and subsequent integration into innovation work possible.

… organized innovation management and developed and implemented it with agile frameworks.

… moderated strategically relevant innovation projects to find new products and business models.

… provided top management with relevant strategic innovation knowledge.

The energy transition has been fundamentally changing the energy world for some time.
On the generation side, there is a shift from centralized large power plants to smaller, decentralized energy generation plants with wind power and photovoltaics.

At the same time, however, the end-user side is also changing due to increasing electrification of the heating and mobility market (heat pumps, electric vehicles, etc.).

These comprehensive developments pose completely new innovation challenges for energy providers and, in particular, grid operators.

Vital to survival:
– Ideas for smart grid expansion
– Ideas for strong integration of the consumer side
– Innovations that create higher integrations and penetrate all areas of life – energy alone is not enough.

Some of our customers:
Nehlsen AG, Rheinenergie, RWE

For our customers in the energy provider sector we have:

… moderated and coached idea generation and prototyping.

… moderated signature projects that revolved around new and radical business models.

… trained internal innovation coaches who moderate innovation projects themselves and additionally distribute innovation knowledge within the company.

… provided top management with relevant strategic innovation knowledge.

Within the framework of its current business models, the industry is under increasing pressure to maintain and expand its competitiveness.

The current innovation challenges are very broad and complex – innovations and disruptive ideas are born almost daily in the market and competition of financiers and insurers.

It therefore needs:

– Efficiency improvements, e.g., through digitalization and automation in current workflows and processes.

– Transformations, e.g., for employees in the context of the corporate culture

– A very comprehensive, multidisciplinary innovation expertise to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff in the high volume of market innovations

– An objectifiable, ongoing assessment of business models and knowledge of the individual starting position in each case
Likewise, innovation must help to avoid “broken trust” and overly complex user experiences in the business models.

Some of our customers:
Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank, Generali, Versicherungskammer Bayern

For our customers in the field of finance / insurance we have:

… organized innovation management and developed it with agile frameworks and brought it into implementation.

… accompanied digitization projects.

… co-designed an evaluated system for new ideas.

… moderated a 6-month radical design thinking project.

Decarbonization has become a key global task for governments, businesses and society at large.

For some industries, however, the transformation toward lower carbon turnover is an overly large challenge – including aviation.

– Smart and dynamic innovation strategies have become necessary on a scale never before imagined.

– Likewise, new ideas are needed to drive long-term customer demand through appropriate incentive mechanisms and differentiated offerings.

Some of our customers:
Eurowings, Fraport, German Wings, Han Air, Lufthansa

For our customers in the air transport sector we have:

… facilitated workshops for the search and prioritization of innovation search fields to sharpen the innovation strategy.

… facilitated idea generation workshops.

… trained internal innovation coaches who moderate innovation projects and additionally distribute innovation knowledge within the company.

How we eat healthy and tasty food in the future while at the same time using our resources responsibly – especially in view of the growing world population – is the major challenge facing the food industry worldwide.

Every company must be extremely vigilant in order not to be suddenly disrupted by new radical ideas from small and fast competitors.

Inventiveness is needed in potential fields such as:

– Urban Farming
– Alternative protein sources
– Food upcycling
– Circular flow concepts
– Blockchain solutions that can ensure sustainability

Some of our customers:
Aldi Suisse, Dextro, Dr. Oetker

For our customers in the food sector, we have:

… challenged the business model together with the help of disruption scenarios.

… facilitated workshops that used external inspiration to rethink the product portfolio in a new and more sustainable way.

… provided top management with relevant strategic innovation knowledge.

… trained internal innovation coaches who moderate innovation projects and also distribute innovation knowledge throughout the company.

For this purpose, we have developed special innovation tools for the food industry together with our verrocchio Fellow and food expert Hila Attaie:

Food Inspiration Cards
Minesweeper Framework

The current challenges for the healthcare system are enormous. Demographic and social trends, as well as changes in the spectrum of diseases, pose a major threat to the stability of the healthcare system.

Also of great relevance, however, are medical-technical progress, the advancing shortage of skilled workers, individualization, climate change and increased immigration. These parallel developments must be addressed with integrated solutions and innovative ideas.

Innovative products, rethought processes and smart business models can make a valuable contribution to solving these challenges.

Of great importance in this context are

– technological trends

– innovative developments from the fields of biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and medical technology

– all new communication possibilities – especially the inclusion of mobile devices in health care and prevention, called mHealth, should be highlighted here

Some of our customers:
SOS Children’s Village

For our customers in the health and social sector we have:

… trained innovation coaches, who moderate innovation projects and additionally distribute innovation knowledge within the company.

Customers’ requirements and expectations of retailers are evolving at a rapid pace, as clearly demonstrated by the corona pandemic, among other things.

Various challenges are occupying the industry:

– The digital transformation – it is drastically changing retail. The digital transformation is becoming more and more an integral part of retail companies in Germany, eCommerce and retail stores are moving ever closer together. Online retailing sometimes poses challenges for the traditional retail business, but it also opens the way to new cooperation models from which both sides benefit.

– The “smartness” trend – in the sense of digital and thus efficient business models and solutions that accurately record current operations in stores and thus allow appropriate control of processes and resources.

– The adaptation of the retail offering to so-called micro-segments – In concrete terms, this means that the clientele and thus the target groups of the retail sector are becoming increasingly diversified, particularly with regard to age cohorts with widely differing demands.

– The greatest challenge consists of a general paradigm shift with regard to the sustainability issue. This relates to the question of how to handle personal customer data, but also how to deal with resources, supply chains, etc. Large segments of future buyer groups combine sustainability with high individual demands on the offer.

Some of our customers:
Markant, Metro

For our customers in the retail sector we have:

… facilitated digital transformation projects.

… provided individual ad hoc support for their innovation issues (Flex Support).

… moderated idea generation for more sustainability.

… developed and introduced agile dynamic project and topic roadmaps.

The challenges facing the IT industry quickly become clear when we consider that in a few years, every company will truly have become an IT company – loosely based on Gene Kim and his novel “The Phoenix Project”.

The widespread integration of IT into all departments creates new challenges for companies: How do specialists get into cross-departmental exchanges? How do they stay technologically on the ball over years and decades? How can a continuous process of improvement in methods and tools be achieved?

Creating software systems on a greenfield site will become a luxury. Sometimes it will make sense to build the warehouse, and with an appropriate return of investment there is of course nothing to be said against it. But in many cases, the borrowed folding pavilion will suffice.

More concretely: Is it really worthwhile to design, develop and operate a completely new system for the data protection-compliant storage of contact data, or is there a standard solution that already meets the requirements supported by appropriate manually executed company processes?

The latter will almost always be more economical. This development is supported by no-code and low-code frameworks, which enable participants without technical knowledge to make software available.

The following questions become inevitable:

– Who accepts the realization of being an IT company within a specific industry?

– Who is prepared to adapt grown and proven corporate structures so that employees are motivated in the long term and act responsibly?

– Who succeeds in retaining value-oriented specialists in the long term?

It’s about much more than programming languages and technologies. The next step in the development of the IT industry primarily affects those who do not feel affected by it today.

Some of our customers:
Datev, Microsoft, Olympus, SH Business, Techdata

For our customers in the field of IT / software we have:

… developed and implemented campaigns to sustainably promote the culture of innovation.

… developed and implemented digitization projects using frameworks.

… measured the likelihood of success of innovation projects in order to increase performance in a targeted manner with subsequent measures.

… provided top management with relevant strategic innovation knowledge.

The corona pandemic has additionally highlighted once again where the current innovation challenges of the logistics industry currently can be found. While almost all retail sectors have had to accept large-scale losses, online retail has experienced an unprecedented boom in many areas.

This has shown the logistics industry what really matters when it comes to responding innovatively and purposefully to changing or sudden peak loads. Not every warehouse is designed to adapt flexibly. This calls for resilient solutions and structures to ensure business continuity in the face of regional as well as global adversity.

In the focus of innovation:

– flexibility
– smart solutions for the last mile
– sustainability
– employer branding
– security

Some of our customers:
Arvato Bertelsmann, Haniel

For our customers in the logistics sector we have:

… measured innovation performance in order to subsequently strengthen it with targeted measures.

… brought innovation knowledge into the company with a Kickstarter.

… moderated idea generation for new services.

The German mechanical engineering sector currently appears to be somewhat depressed – and not just since the pandemic. Due to the comfortable order situation in recent years, many important trends have been noticed, but not translated into the necessary innovations. As a result, there is a shortage of ideas and knowledge today, while price pressure is increasing at the same time.

Mechanical engineers have several tasks:

– Invent innovative business models quickly, before the competition does.

– A higher level of integration of their own business and value creation. In the process, data must become an integral part of innovation.

– Entering into more and closer collaborations, including the possibility of business friends becoming competitors.

– There needs to be much more innovation centered on customer value, which includes process innovation

– Sustainability and “green tech” must now finally be put into practice – the competition is already in the starting blocks.

– Increased knowledge building in digital topics such as blockchain. Applications are still scarce, but missing the boat would be worse.

Some of our customers:
Warema, wilo

For our customers in the mechanical engineering/manufacturing sector, we have:

… trained internal innovation coaches, who moderate innovation projects and additionally distribute innovation knowledge within the company.

… provide top management with relevant strategic innovation knowledge.

… advanced customer centricity with suitable innovation projects (signature projects).

… organized innovation management and developed and implemented it with agile frameworks.

The media industry is in a crisis-like state in many parts. Influencers like Rezo and documentaries like Netflix’s “The Social Dilemma” clearly illustrate it.

The industry is facing major challenges that are still waiting for innovative ideas to solve them.

Current challenges we can perceive are:

– Growing distrust of all media
– Unbridled spread of fake news
– Visibility in the oversized information overload
– Creating new narratives to bring back transparency and trust

Some of our clients:
axel springer, Bertelsmann, Klett, SuperRTL

For our customers in the media sector we have:

… trained internal innovation coaches who moderate innovation projects and additionally distribute innovation knowledge within the company.

… provide top management with relevant strategic innovation knowledge.

… used gamification approaches to get employees excited and motivated about new topics.

The radical changes in the healthcare sector and massive digitization are currently pushing many players in the pharmaceutical market to their limits, as many necessary ideas and innovations are lacking.

The following challenges need to be solved innovatively:

– The data-driven CX strategies that put patients at the center.

– To keep up with ever-shorter drug and product development cycles, pharma companies would now need to be more agile and imaginative in their overall project management

– Delivering ever-increasing amounts of relevant content to customers in an accurate, efficient, and timely manner is now critical to success

Some of our customers:
Alnylam, Bayer Healthcare, Merck, Roche

For our customers in the pharmaceutical industry we have:

… positioned development in a more agile way with the help of design thinking.

… trained internal innovation coaches who moderate innovation projects and additionally distribute innovation knowledge within the company.

… provided individual ad hoc support for their innovation issues (Flex Support).

The steel industry is involved in numerous value chains. Its products are just as indispensable in vehicle production and mechanical engineering as in the construction industry or the electrical industry. Existing primary steel production processes (blast furnace route) are associated with significant amounts of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

The pressure to innovate in the steel industry is driven by global competition as well as climate change and upheaval in related industries.

Innovation work is about:

– Mindset work and creation of innovation culture and interdisciplinary work structures.

– A much higher level of business integration – customer-centric services with real added value need to be invented. The pure production of flat or round steel, which is loaded unprocessed onto trains or ships, is no longer sufficient for value creation alone

Some of our customers:
Saarstahl AG, Salzgitter Mannesmann, vallourec

For our customers in the steel industry we have:

… trained internal innovation coaches who moderate innovation projects and additionally distribute innovation knowledge within the company.

… organized innovation management and developed and implemented it with agile frameworks.

… developed and introduced agile dynamic project and topic roadmaps.

… set up measures to provide companies with more external stimuli such as trends to facilitate goal-oriented idea generation.

… feveloped and implemented campaigns to sustainably promote innovation culture.

The corona pandemic has permanently changed the world and the telecommunications industry in particular. Home office has long since ceased to be a stopgap solution and has become an integral part of the working world.

The new trends and challenges have approached quickly and now demand concrete ideas and innovative solutions.

– Mobile working is becoming the global standard

– Cloud telephony opens up many new possibilities

– The world of holograms is coming

– Mobile devices are doing more and more tasks

– “Immediacy” is becoming a quality feature in all businesses

Some of our customers:
Phonehouse, Sterlite

For our customers in the field of telecommunication we have:

… established efficient trend scouting.

… moderated idea generation for new business models.

… developed and introduced agile dynamic project and topic roadmaps.

In the face of a growing number of new regional economic, social and global challenges, it is becoming increasingly urgent for the economic development departments of all municipalities to deal with future issues and the possibilities for overcoming crises.

From our point of view, they are currently occupied with:

– The development of completely new skills and competencies. Innovation knowledge is currently particularly in focus and necessary.

– A newly developing understanding of the role of economic development agencies.

– New ideas to further develop economic development agencies as agile organizations.

Some of our clients:
Business Metropole Ruhr, WFG Hamm, Münsterland e.V., WFG Borken

For our customers in the area of economic development agencies / chambers we have:

… trained internal innovation coaches who moderate innovation projects and additionally distribute innovation knowledge.

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We have been working with our international customers from a wide range of industries for many years.
Yet trends do not affect all industries equally.
Finding the right innovation fields and projects and thus creating effective innovation successes in their own and previously undiscovered markets – that’s where we help companies and organizations.

Christian Buchholz & Benno van Aerssen