Digital Template Sets

In an increasingly globalized world with location-independent teams, digital solutions are becoming more and more important. Even workshops no longer take place only as face-to-face events. Participants from all over the world can conveniently tune in from home or their workplace. For you, it’s a matter of meeting these new challenges with suitable tools. Our Digital Template Set makes it child’s play for you to use methods in virtual workshops.

Basic information about the template set

For whom?

The template set is suitable for anyone who wants to use innovation methods in a virtual setting.

We summarize this role in the term Remote Facilitator. A Remote Facilitator is the “facilitator from a distance”, equipped with the knowledge and tools to successfully design virtual workshops and projects.


To use the verrocchio Digital Template Set, you need your own workspace, either at mural, miro or at Conceptboard.

The verrocchio Digital Template Set answers the following questions:

More info about the template set


The verrocchio Digital Template Set costs 500 EUR + VAT.

The price includes 26 templates, the complete transfer to your Miro, Mural or Conceptboard workspace and a 30-minute video call for introduction.

What's in there?

Miro, Mural and Conceptboard are all digital collaboration workspaces.

They use huge screens in the form of online whiteboards for visual work. Together and in real time the boards are filled with ideas and graphics. Everyone can easily and intuitively add content such as post-its, shapes, images, videos or links. They also offer a variety of additional functions such as voting session or time boxing, which simplify remote moderation.

  • You can get an impression of Miro here
  • You can get an impression of Mural here
  • You can get an impression of Conceptboard here

For Mural, Miro and Conceptboard there is a matching verrocchio Digital Template Set.

It consists of the following 26 templates:
Project Board, Team Onboarding, Idea Story, Idea Cluster, Assumption Killer, Preliminary Idea Gallery, 6 Thinking Hats, Enriched Ideas, Headstand Technique, Irritating Picture Technique, Business Model, Canvas, Brainwriting Pool, Instant Idea Help, Analogy Technique, Osborne Checklist, Inspiration Forest, SCAMPER, Value Map, Customer Map, Empathy Phase, CATWOE, Job and Challenge Tree, Trend Radar, Problem Tackler, Values Radar, Innovationdigging

Talk to us for individual advice

Kontaktfotos - Website

Hi, I’m Christina and I’m here to support you any time you have questions about using our various tools and methods.
+ 49 211 822 045 60