Creative spaces are not a nice option!
The fact that an appropriate spatial concept promotes creative work and idea generation no longer needs to be fundamentally discussed here – that is hardened state of the art. Thus, the verrocchio Institute is also consulted time and again to provide advice and support in the implementation of creative spaces and working environments.
If you want to approach the topic of “creative spaces” quickly, you can start by using the Google image search. Here you can find images and first impressions under the following search terms:
Google Image Search: “creative office workspaces”.
Google Image Search: “design thinking workspaces”.
Google Image Search: “innovation lab
An example of a space ideally suited for design thinking can be found on the website of the Hasso Plattner Institute. Here, the focus is on a very flexible room concept with movable furniture
Characteristics of creative spaces:
- Encouragement of interaction
- Stimulation of creativity
- Free choice of workplace
- workplaces for co-creation
- large tables and work surfaces
- sources of inspiration such as libraries
- natural and direct light
Additional features of design thinking spaces:
- Furniture is flexible due to castors
- All surfaces can be written on
- There are disturbance-free work areas
- Tools and prototyping material should be accessible in 7 seconds
- All results can be left hanging for a longer period of time
Here are some types of space that have formed and become established for creative work in recent years:
Brainstorming Room, Prototyping Areas, Presentation Areas, Work Lounges, Open Meeting Points, Break Areas, Study Booth, Touchdown Rooms, Libraries, Relax Rooms, Sports Rooms, Design Thinking Lab, Design Thinking Floor, Open Archive.
My current favourite space concept for a first creative space that a team or an organisation sets up is the “everyone-brings-something-to-the-room” or the “everybodies room”. The procedure is as follows: Once a sufficiently large room has been found, a campaign is launched to accompany the project, with the aim that all the employees involved bring one piece of furniture each from home to furnish the room. This goes from floor coverings to seating furniture and tables to shelves, flowers and everything that makes the space an inspiring oasis for creative work.
This concept combines the following key advantages in one space:
- The furnishings are comparatively inexpensive
- The room is guaranteed to look different from any other room in the company
- The room is also a bit like home for each participant
- The room transports a new mindset, for example in start-ups
- It directly pays for a new culture of thinking and innovation
With inspiring greetings,
Benno van Aerssen