For consistently strong performance in innovation work

The format

After innovation expert Benno van Aerssen had completed a biathlon training course with sports psychologist Rainer Kiefer and a little later Rainer Kiefer had started training as an innovation coach at van Aerssen’s verrocchio Institute, one thing was clear to both of them – “We knew immediately why so many innovation and design thinking teams only had sporadic but no lasting innovation successes or even performance improvements.

This gave the impetus to develop the “Professional Athlete Training for Innovation Teams”, PATI for short.

The PATI combines principles, methods and exercises from competitive sports into innovation work in a goal-oriented way, for a long-term increase in innovation ability.

Who for?

For all innovation teams that want to achieve a new level of performance over a longer period

20 Days

creative performance

4 out of 5

Participants feel better already after 1 day

20 %

physically, mentally and emotionally fit and healthy

7 out of 10

Ideas arise during incubation phases

Our experience

Benno van Aerssen and the verrocchio Institute had already observed the following circumstances in many companies for some time:

There were successes with Design Thinking in many organizations, but only sporadically and not continuously or sustainably.
The performance curve of employees over several innovation projects practically always drops sharply.
After several innovation projects, employees often long to return to their daily business.
In the long run, innovation teams always have a high turnover of participants and a sustainable increase in performance is not noticeable.
Over time, the basics have to be retrained again and again and one does not reach a professional level.

In contrast, the expectations of almost all participants as well as the entire management are the following:

We start with the basics and get better from innovation project to innovation project.
We start by generating small innovations and over time we grow to bigger, bolder and more radical successes.
Innovation becomes an important part of our value creation and also of our culture. More and more employees are attracted to it and as a collateral effect they also increase their performance in their daily business.
We are increasing our ability to innovate from year to year.
After some time we no longer need external help.

With their two very different areas of expertise, Benno van Aerssen and Rainer Kiefer were suddenly in a position not only to explain this serious dilemma, but also to develop an effective solution.

What we have discovered


Top athletes train body, mind and soul equally on different levels.

Employees in innovation projects or innovation teams do not do this and usually only work out mentally.


Top athletes consciously train with different levels of stimulation.

In Design Thinking projects, all work packages are usually processed with equal intensity.


Top athletes professionally use the change between tension and relaxation.

Professional relaxation hardly ever occurs in innovation projects.


Top athletes use the principle of individual, correct load sequence and training plans to increase their performance over the years.

The level of performance in innovation teams remains constant throughout the year at best.


Top athletes use an effective mixture of distributed and massaged (motor) learning.

In innovation projects the participants are usually only one-dimensional.


Top athletes notice the difference between load and stress.

In many projects, especially those with an agile and iterative focus, the participants find themselves in a dangerous permanent stress situation.


In biathlon shooting, for example, the focus is not on fading out the disturbing factors, but on fading in the necessary sequences.

Participants in innovation projects usually handle this in reverse.


Muscles grow during the breaks.

Ideas arise in the incubation pauses.

The “Professional Athlete Training for Innovation Teams (short PATI) was born.


The concept of PATI

The brain works especially in the fun/flow area, with 100% identification with the task and the energy or ideas come when attention is clear.

So-called happiness hormones support the networking of the synapses. In order to achieve the fun factor relevant to the result, the identification of the participants with the topics and the attention optimally directed in each case, we have developed the following KGS model based on the WHO definition of health.

It differentiates between physical, mental and social well-being. Since we assume that development and innovation are promoted when the body’s resources are not tied up in a deficit-oriented way, the PATI ensures that an optimal balance of the three areas exists. The principle behind it is

Depending on fatigue in one or more columns of the KGS model, employment in a less fatigued column can produce a recovery in the originally fatigued column (Kiefer model, 2018).

Dieses Modell basiert auf der gegenseitigen Außensicht und dem Prinzip der wechselnden Belastung. Training bedeutet im KGS-Modell immer in mindestens einer Säule (Körper, Geist, Sozial) Reize zu setzen und diesen Bereich so zu ermüden. Dabei werden die jeweils anderen, weniger beanspruchten, Säulen zur Kompensation genutzt.

Die jeweiligen Wechsel in der persönlichen Aufmerksamkeit und die unterschiedlichen Intensitäten und Möglichkeiten zum sozialen Austausch ermöglichen immer wieder die Außensicht in Bezug auf die letzte körperlich oder geistig beanspruchende Arbeitsphase und somit Raum für die Erholung (= Kompensation und Vorbereitung für die nächste kommende Arbeitsbelastung).


Dieses PATI Intensivtraining, für Teams bis 18 Personen, kann sowohl als Projekt-Kick-Off oder als Startpunkt zu einem ganzjährigen PAT genutzt werden.

Beim PATI geht es um Höchstleistungen im Bereich Kreativität, Design Thinking und Innovation. Wie ein Trainingslager für Spitzensportler beginnt diese Einheit für die Teilnehmer schon mit einer intensiven Vorbereitung und beinhaltet auch eine Nachbereitungsphase.

Durch die Erfahrung der Trainer und regelmäßigen individuellen Austausch (ggf. auch mit physiologischen oder kognitiven Testverfahren) kann die Belastung optimal gesteuert werden, um die verfügbaren Tage für ein Innovationsprojekt optimal für Höchstleistungen zu nutzen.

Wichtig ist neben der guten Vorbereitung auch entsprechenden Raum für Erholung nach dem Trainingslager einzuplanen, da die geistige und körperliche Beanspruchung so gesteuert werden soll, dass das inhaltliche Ergebnis wirklich optimal ausfällt.

Es ist eine wesentliche Voraussetzung, dass alle Teilnehmer ausgeruht (= so belastbar wie möglich) in den Bereichen Körper, Geist und Seele an dem PATI Innovationsworkshop teilnehmen.

Unsere Erfahrung – Je besser die Bedürfnisse der Teilnehmer im Anforderungskontext des 3-Tages-Intensiv-Innovationsworkshops abgeklärt und abgedeckt werden im Sinne einer optimalen Balance, desto wahrscheinlicher sind praktikable Ergebnisse.

Im PATI Trainingslager werden alle Innovationsarbeitsphasen durch körperlichen Ausgleich (= geistige Erholung) nach dem KGS-Modell unterstützt. Im Tagesverlauf sinkt dabei der Impact (Reizdichte) bei den Übungen, wobei der Umfang jeweils steigt. Der Verlauf ist stark prozessorientiert und hängt von den Gegebenheiten und Wünschen der Teilnehmer ab.

Wichtiger Hinweis: Die Gruppe wird durchgängig sportpsychologisch begleitet.

Das PATI findet idealerweise in der DSV Skiakademie Nordic-Schule Notschrei statt.

Die Nordic-Schule Notschrei ist eine DSV-Skiakademie für Langlauf, Biathlon, Teamentwicklung und Sportpsychologie und verbindet Bewegung mit Transfer, weil das gesamte Team vom Sinn dieser Verbindung überzeugt ist. Das Nordic Center Notschrei lebt wintersportliche Tradition. Vom Vorstand über die Trainer, Betreuer, Athleten bis hin zu unseren aktiven Mitgliedern. Der schneesichere Standort bietet mit der Nordic-Arena, dem Loipenzentrum, dem Loipenhaus, dem Bergstüble, der Nordic Schule, dem Verleih und dem Sporthotel alles, was Trainierende und Gäste brauchen, aus einer Hand. Einfachheit und Servicequalität stehen im Vordergrund. Das Stadion des Nordic-Centers Notschrei wurde 2009 komplett erneuert und funktionell erheblich erweitert. Mit moderner Beschneiungstechnik, Flutlicht und einer Höhenlage um 1200 m.ü.M. ist es ein zukunftsfähiges Trainings- & Wettkampfzentrum für Skilangläufer, Biathleten und Nordische Kombinierer, in nur 25 Minuten Entfernung von Freiburg. Weiterhin ist es auch DSV-Bundesstützpunkt Nordisch / Biathlon und Bundesstützpunkt für Behindertensport.

The team does sports for everyone – all year round – biathlon also in summer – by MTB, roller ski or on foot! In the middle of the wonderful Black Forest landscape between Feldberg, Belchen and Schauinsland – only 30 minutes away from Freiburg.

Here the sport is always based on the participants, not the other way around! The team teaches the participants the right technique so that they can have fun and move in a healthy way. With competence and passion, with head and heart.

Of course, Rainer Kiefer knows from his work many other places around the world that are suitable for PATI training camps.

What you can expect

  • Creation of a permanent physical, mental and emotional balance of resources, especially to be able to withstand the cognitive-mental demands of innovation.

    Utilization of supercompensation and periodization in order to increase the innovative performance potential continuously and in a controlled manner.

    Use of holistic training plans and concepts for micro-cycles (workshop level), meso-cycles (project level) and macro-cycles (annual level) for maximum independent handling of participants and teams.

    Initiation of targeted transfer of all principles, methods and exercises into daily business, for a holistic development of power and goal-oriented cultural development.


The PATI Intensive Training format provides answers to these questions:

We would be happy to explain all the details of PATI to you and create an individual offer and concept for your challenge